The Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival is one of the most important short film events in the world, featuring masterpieces of animation, comedies, films on contemporary reality, genre films, student projects from the best schools in the world, documentaries and mockumentaries, and more. The festival’s competitions and retrospectives provide over 400 films from 50 countries that explore an outstanding pool of breakthrough cinematic talent.
Special effects award
For several years, Adobe Substance 3D has been proud to sponsor the Festival with the Special Effects Award by Adobe. Once again this year, a jury composed of 3D experts and creative professionals, cinema, and short film enthusiasts, will choose the most outstanding creation from a selection of short films using and highlighting VFX and special effects. The winner will receive the Special Effects Award (customized by local artist Nokat) and a monetary prize.
Join us at Clermont-Ferrand to discover the festival and the winner of the Special Effects Award by Adobe.
Previous editions' Awards